That Bomb has a Nice Ring to It! ~ Pearl Bath Bombs

Hey Love Buds!

Before I went on hiatus, I was asked to give my opinion on a wonderful new product.  Tessa, the owner of Pearl Bath Bombs reached out to me to collaborate on testing and promoting these awesome "pearls" of joy.  Since then, Pearl Bath Bombs have been reviewed, praised and promoted by media outlets far greater than my little blog, but a promise is a promise and I did receive this gem in exchange for my honest review and by golly, even though this is six months late, I am going to post my review.

So, Pearl Bath Bombs are of course bath bombs, like most, they act as huge alka seltzer tablet for your bath tub, fizzing and bubbling to soften, scent and add bubbles to your bath.  However, these bath bombs all include a sparkly surprise inside!

Each bath orange sized bath bomb includes a ring and the chance to win a ring worth up to $5,000.

I am not an avid bath enthusiast, but to be able to give my opinion on a product, I've got to use it and I must say my bath with a lemongrass scent Pearl Bath Bomb was pretty refreshing!

The lemongrass scent was sweet and citrusy, I really enjoyed it and it left my bath water looking like this:

Since my bath bomb was for promotional purposes, the ring was not included.  None the less, my bath was fantastic, the whole bathroom was filled with yummy fragrance.

I really like that everyone is a winner with Pearl Bath Bombs, even if you don't qualify for one of the high value rings, you still receive Pearl Points that can be used to redeem additional bath bombs.

One aspect of this item I'm not crazy about is that you cannot choose the size of the ring included in the bath bomb you purchase.  Its a bit of a bummer to receive a cute ring but it doesn't fit at all.  Other than that, I highly recommend Pearl Bath Bombs, they are a great way to treat yourself and they make great gifts.

These are pretty large, about 4 to 6 ounces and the prices run from $14.99 to $24.99 (which is for a bath bomb called "The mother of all dragons", a tribute to TV series Game of Thrones), with packs of three or five offering a nice discount.

I'm off to make more soap, going to work on a project for Brambleberry's #soaptherainbow campaign.

Until next time,

Peace, Love and lots of yummy, citrusy, sparkly Bubbles!


 Visit Pear Bath Bombs:


  1. Have not heard from these people after ordering pearl bath bomb. It's been 4 days. Is this a ripoff???? Where's my bath bomb?

    1. Did you receive an order confirmation or shipping confirmation? I know this week was Labor Day so the business may have been closed on Monday. I have had nothing but good experiences with this company. Have you tried contacting customer service? If not, try sending them an e-mail. Depending on where you are located, it may take more than 4 days for you to receive your order.
